How to set up an automatic off-site professional response – [ENG]

When we are on vacation or traveling, it is a good rule to set up an automatic response to our emails in order to let our colleagues and collaborators know that we will be out of the office and that we will not be in the office for a while.

In this link you will find a detailed guide on how to configure Outlook to set up an automatic response off-site: TO DO…

The automatic reply is a pre-filled email that is sent automatically to those who try to contact us.
To be clear and effective, it must contain at least the following information:

  1. For how long we will not be available.
  2. Who to contact in case of urgencies.

The parts in square brackets indicate the parts to be replaced by entering your data.

Some examples of automatic response …

Example 1.

Good morning, thanks for your email. I’m out of the office and I’ll be back [Return date].
During this time I will have limited access to my e-mail.
For immediate assistance call me on my mobile phone at the number [Num. Cell.].


[Your name]

Example 2.

[One of your greetings]

I will be out of office from the day [start date] to the day [end date] included.
In case of urgency you can contact my colleague [Contact person]

[Your name]

Obviously the contact person must be informed, remember to put name and surname and then enter the phone number or email.

Example 3.

[One of your greetings]

I will be out of office from the day [start date] to the day [end date] I will return the day [return date].

If you need immediate assistance during my absence you can contact my colleague [colleague Name] at [mobile and / or e-mail], otherwise on my return I will answer you as soon as possible.

[Your name]

Example 4.

Good morning, thank you for your message. Right now I’m out of the office and I do not have access to my inbox until [date re-entry].

In case of urgent assistance you can contact me on the mobile phone at the number: [mobile number].

[Your name]

I do not recommend this kind of message unless you are the owner and can not delegate any kind of work even when you are on vacation.

Example 5.

Hi, I’ll be out of the office this week. In case of urgency during my absence, please contact my colleague at the following e-mail: [colleague e-mail].

[Your name]

Example 6.

Good morning,

we will be absent from the day [start date] to the day [end date]. For urgent things you can contact the person: [e-mail to contact].

[Your name]

Example 7.

Good morning,

Thank you for contacting us, your message is very important to us but at the moment we are absent, we will reply to you as soon as possible.

Thank you!
[Your name]

These are just some examples of how to inform your clients / colleagues that you are not currently working, if you are on vacation I suggest you try to be contacted for urgencies by email so you can still manage and assess the urgency without having to always stay attached to the phone.

Write to me in the comments if you have used one of my examples or share what you use.

This article has been translated automatically from this post written in Italian, it could therefore contain some translation errors.
I kindly ask you to report any errors or clarifications in the comments in order to make this post more readable and interesting.
Thank you